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행복은 노력의 대가로 얻는 것이 아니라 지금의 소소함을 놓치지 않는 것이다

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포토 배경 갤러리/갤러리

Memories of Summer

정부혜 2008. 7. 20. 01:05

 Memories of Summer 
Sally Swatland
Summer on Plum Island

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Newport Surf
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Early June
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
New England Summer
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
The Oyster Shell
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
A Walk by the Sea
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Playing in the Cove
Oil on canvas
26 x 32 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
September Afternoon
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Low Tide Reflections
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Rhode Island Summer
Oil on canvas
24 x 36 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
The Connecticut Shore
Oil on canvas
32 x 26 inches

'포토 배경 갤러리 > 갤러리' 카테고리의 다른 글

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Morning Surf
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
By the Sea
Oil on canvas
30 x 40 inche

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
June on the Barrier Islands
Oil on canvas
26 x 32 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Reflections at the Inlet
Oil on canvas
26 x 32 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
The Colors of Summer
Oil on canvas
26 x 32 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Day at the Beach
Oil on canvas
30 x 40 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Sunday at the Shore
Oil on canvas
24 x 30 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
The Snail Collection
Oil on canvas
24 x 30 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Sand Bar on Fishers Island
Oil on canvas
30 x 40 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Beach Combers
Oil on canvas
32 x 26 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Conversation by the Tidal Pool
Oil on canvas
26 x 32 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Collecting Minnows
Oil on canvas
24 x 30 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Low Tide at Greenwich Point
Oil on canvas
26 x 32 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Sunday Morning
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches

Sally Swatland
(b. 1946)
Island Sandpipers
Oil on canvas
30 x 24 inches
Memories of Summer

Sally Swatland was born in 1946 in Washington, DC
and moved to Greenwich,
Connecticut when she was seven.
Her father was a successful attorney,
which allowed her family to spend long periods
in the countryside with many
vacations at various seaside locations
throughout the United States.
She shared a passion with her family for beaches,
sunshine, and fresh air.
Most summer days were spent at the beach
playing in tidal pools,
chasing minnows,
collecting shells and exploring.
 Un Ete Avec Toi
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