행복은 노력의 대가로 얻는 것이 아니라 지금의 소소함을 놓치지 않는 것이다

행복은 노력의 대가로 얻는 것이 아니라 지금의 소소함을 놓치지 않는 것이다

지란지교(芝蘭之交) 자세히보기

배움의 전당/외국어 공부

안부인사 (총괄)

정부혜 2010. 1. 14. 11:06


  A: 처음 뵙겠습니다.
       How do you do?
     B: 만나게 되어 기쁩니다.
       (I am) glad to meet you.
       It's a pleasure to know you.
       (It's) nice to meet you.
       Good to meet you.
       I'm happy to meet you.
       I'm pleased to meet you. 
       I'm very glad to know you. 
       I'm very pleased to know you. 
       It's an honor to meet you.
   다시 만나서 반갑습니다.
       It's good to see you again.
   만나서 언제나 반갑습니다.
       It is always nice to see you.
   직접 뵈니까 반갑습니다.   
       It`s good to see you in person.
   너의 둘을 만나니 정말 반갑구나.
       Oh, It's so good to see you both.
   만나고 싶었습니다.
       I 've always wanted to know you.
       I 've always wanted to meet you.
       I 've been wanting to meet you.
       I 've been looking forward to meeting you.
   만나서 반가웠습니다.
       I'm very glad to have met you.
       I was very glad to meet you today.
       It was very nice to meet you.
       It was so nice meeting you.
       It's been very nice meeting you.
       Hello there!
       How do you do?
       How are you today ?
       How's everything going ?
       How are you doing ?
       How's it going ?

  새해 복 많이 받으세요.
      Happy new year.
      Happy holiday.
      Happy holiday to you and yours.
      Holiday greeting to you and yours.
      Season's greeting to all.   
말씀 많이 들었습니다.
       I've heard a lot about you.
       I've heard a great deal about you.
       I've heard many good things about you.
   그로부터 말씀 많이 들었습니다.
       I've often heard of you from him.
   얘기 즐거웠습니다.
       I enjoyed talking with you.
   곧 다시 만나면  좋겠어요?
       I hope we'll get together again in a few days.
       I hope I'll see you again soon.
   넌 그 분께 인사 드리는 것이 좋겠어.
       You might as well say hello to him.
       Did you meet each other yet?
   서로 인사들 하셨습니까? (두 사람을 동시에 바라보며)
       cf) meet - 인사를 한다. (introduce, present)
       완료형 : Have you met each other yet?
   아뇨. 인사를 나눈 적이 없습니다.
       No. I don't believe we've met.
   그럼 지금 서로 인사하시지 그래요?
       Why don't you meet each other now, then?
   우린 아직 서로 이름도 모르고 있군요.  
       We haven't met yet, have we?
   A: 오늘은 기분이 어떻습니까?
       How do you feel today?
       How are you feeling today?
       B: 완쾌됐습니다.
        I'm  all right now.
        약간 나빠지고 있습니다.  
        I'm getting a little worse. 
   A: 심한 독감에 걸렸어.
        well, I have a bad cold.
       B: 정말 안됐군.
        That's too bad.
        I'm sorry to hear that.
        It's a pity.
        What a pity!
   어디가 나쁩니까?
        What's wrong with you?
    어떻게 지내십니까?
       How are you?
       How are things with you?
       How is it going?
How's it with you?
       How are you doing?
       How are things going?
       How are you getting along?
       How've you been?
       How's everything?
       How are things with you?
What's going on?
       What's up?

How have you been(doing, feeling)?
     How have you been getting along?
       What have you been doing?
       What have you been up to?
       Where have you been?
       Where have you been hiding?
   요즘 어떻게 지냅니까?
       How are you doing these days?
       음, 그저 그래요.
       Well, about the same.
    오랫 만에 만난 사람에게 그간의 안부를 물을 때:
       How have you been?
       (어떻게 지냈습니까?)
      What have you been doing lately?
       (요즈음 어떻게 지내고 계셨습니까?) 
   최근까지 어떻게 지내셨습니까?
       What have you been to lately?
   그럭그럭 지내요.
       I can't complain too much.
   너무 좋아요.
       Very good.
       Very well.
       Pretty good.
       All right.
       Quite well.
   그저 그래요.
       So so.
       Not bad.
       Not so well.
       Not too bad.
   정말 안 좋아요
       Very bad.
   별로 안 좋아요
       Pretty bad.
   잘 있었니 애야!     
       Hi, there!
   사업은 잘 되십니까?
       How is your business going?
   댁의 아들은 학교에 잘 다니나요?
       How is your son doing at school?
   오늘 일진이 어때요?
       How is your day going so far?
   오늘 재미가 어떠세요?
       How is your day going?
   별고 없으십니까?
       What's new?
   오늘 좀 어떠세요?
       How do you feel today?
   하시는 일은 어떻습니까 ?
      How's your business? 
      How's your business going? 
   성함은 알고 있었어요.
      I knew you just by name.
   전화 통화는 한 적이 있는 것 같군요.
      Perhaps, I've spoken with you on the telephone.
   당신을 보면 항상 너무 즐겁습니다.
      To see you is always a great pleasure.
       It is always great pleasure to see you.
   일이 순조롭게 잘되어 가나요?
       Are you making progress.
   오늘 직장 근무는 어땠어요?
       How did it go at work today?
   이제 감기 나았어요?
       Have you gotten over your cold?
   어젯밤에 편히 주무셨습니까?
       Did you sleep soundly last night?
   왜 그러세요? 몸이 편찮으신가요?
       What's the matter? Don't you feel well?
   너는 오늘 왜 그렇게 시무룩하니?
       Why are you so cross today?
   몹시 피곤해 보이는데, 간밤에 늦도록 신나게 놀았니?
       You look tired. Had a big night?
   오늘 안색이 무척 안 좋군요.
       You look awful today.
   당신 기분이 안 좋아 보여요. 뭐가 잘못됐나요.
       You seem to be down in the dumps. What's wrong?
   피곤해 보이는데 왠 일인가요?
       How come you look so tired?
   왜 그렇게 기분이 좋으세요?
       Why are you in such a good mood?
   오늘 기분이 언짢아 보이는데
       You look under the weather today?
   무슨 일이 잘못됐니?
       Is anything wrong?
   모든 일이 잘 돼 갑니까 ?
       Is everything O.K.? 
   요즘  무엇을 하고 있었습니까? 
       What have you been doing lately?
   여태 어디 있었습니까?
       Where have you been?
   지난 주말 어떻게 보냈습니까? 축구 경기를 보러 갔습니다.
       What did you do last weekend? I went to a football game.
   주말에 어디에 가셨습니까?
       Where did you go over the weekend?
   어제 오후에 당신 집에 들렀었는데 집에 없더군요.
       I stopped by your place yesterday afternoon but you weren't there.
   잘 지내셨어요.
       Did you manage all right?
   요즘 당신 보기 힘들군요.
       I haven't seen much of you lately.
   잘 왔다. 기다리고 있었는데.
       You're a sight for eyes.
   죄송합니다만 이제 가봐야겠습니다.
       I'm sorry I must be going now.
       I'm sorry I must be on  my way.
       I'm sorry I must leave now.
       I'm sorry I must say goodbye now.
   벌써 가시렵니까?
       Are you going already?
       It's been a long time (since I saw you last).
       I haven't seen you for ages.
       I haven't seen you for a long time.
       I haven't seen you for a while.
       I haven't seen you in years.
       I haven't seen you in ages.
       Long time, no see.
       You're quite a stranger.
       We haven't seen each other for a long time. 
   자네는 어딜 그렇게 쏘다니고 있었나?
       Where have you been fooling around?
   너를 여기서 만날 줄이야 상상도 못 했구나!
       Your is the last face I would have expected to see here!
   어머! 너를 이런데서 만나다니!
       Fancy meeting you here!
   안녕, 우연히 만나게 되어 반갑군.
       Hi, I'm glad I bumped into you.
   그렇지 않아도 너를 만나고 싶었어.
      You're just the man I wants to see.
   10년 전부터 그와 소식이 끊겼어요.
       I haven't heard from him in 10years.
   얼마나 자주 그의 소식을 듣습니까?
       How often do you hear from him?
   그는 어떻게 지내고 있나요?
       How is he getting along?
   무엇 때문에 그렇게 바빴나요?
       What has kept you so busy?
   댁의 식구들은 잘 있습니까?
       How's everybody at your house?
   당신 가족들은 다 안녕하신지요?
       I hope your family is all well.
   미스터 김이 안부 전하더군요.
       Mr. KIm sends his regards.
   실은 어제 그 사람을 기차에서 만났습니다.
       It so happens that I met him on the train just yesterday.
       I hardly know you.
   이름이 갑자기 생각이 안 나는군요.
       Your name just doesn't come to me.
   어디선가 당신을 본 것 같긴 한데 누군지는 잘 모르겠군요.
       I may have seen you somewhere, but I can't recognize you.
   전에 어디선가 당신을 본 기억이 나는군요.
       I remember seeing you somewhere before.
   너 참 많이 컸구나!
       How big you have grown!
   여길 어떻게 오셨습니까?
       What brought you here?
   여태 어디 있었습니까?
       Where have you been?
   지난 주말 어떻게 보냈습니까?
       What did you do last weekend? I
   주말에 어디에 가셨습니까?
       Where did you go over the weekend?
   어제 오후에 당신 집에 들렀었는데 집에 없더군요.
       I stopped by your place yesterday afternoon but you weren't there.
   잘 지내셨어요.
       Did you manage all right?
   다시 만나서 반갑습니다.
       It's good to see you again.
   요즘 당신 보기 힘들군요.
       I haven't seen much of you lately.
   잘 왔다. 기다리고 있었는데.
       You're a sight for eyes.
   나는 여기서 당신을 보리라곤 기대하지 않았습니다.
       I didn't expect to see you here.
   요즘 우연히 잘 만나게 되네요.
       We seem to run into each other often lately.
   또 만나게 되었군요.
       Our paths have finally crossed.
   그냥 인사하려고 들렸어요.
       I just stopped by to say hello.
   별일 없니?
      What's up?
      What's new?
   잘 지내고 있어.
      I'm doing well. Not so good.
   좋은 하루 보내세요.
      당신도 역시 좋은 하루 보내세요.
       Have a nice day.
      The same to you.
   나중에 봅시다.
       See you later (again, around).
       So long.
See you next time.
       keep up the good work.
       : 주로 사장이 직원들에게, 선생님이 학생들에게,
       웃사람이 아랫사람에게 지금까지 잘해왔다고 칭찬하며 일을
       계속하라고 격려하는 것
   수고하십시오(헤어질 때 쓰는 인사말)
       Take care!
       Take it easy!
       You're working hard.
   그렇게까지 수고 않으셔도 됐는데...
       You shouldn't have gone to all the trouble.
   수고해 주셔서 감사합니다.  
       Thank you for your trouble.
   너의 가족에게 안부 전해줘.
       Please say hello to your family.
       Please  Give my (best) regards to your family.
       Please remember me to your family.
       Please say hi to your family. 
       Say hello for me. 
       Tell your family I said hello. 
       Will you say hi to your family for me?
       Give my love to your family.
   연락하자'는 말의 표현
       I'll keep in touch.
       I hope I will see you again.
       Let's meet some other time.
       Stay in touch. 등이 있음
   연락주세요, 편지하세요.
      Drop me a line.
   이제 그만 가야겠다
      I must be going now.  ·
      I've got to be on my way.
      Now I gotta be off.
      I'll leave now.   
      I'm in a hurry.
      Please let me go, won't you?
자주 만납시다.
      Let's meet more often.
      Please be back soon.